Product specification
Parapet outlet – BL-V
Installation in window parapets above existing fan coil units. For facade screening when cooling and heating; it also enables the ventilation of workplaces next to the facade. [;nl]Gevelconvectorrooster ter vervanging van zogenaamde "frietsnijders" -roosters die standaard op fancoil units worden geplaatst en altijd voor tochtklachten zorgen- Volume flow rate range: up to 200 l/s [720 m³/h]
- Nominal lengths: 800, 1 025, 1 250 and 1 550 mm
- Nominal width: 202 mm
Air outlets - Wall
- Parapet outlet consisting of a double-row, adjustable induction outlet and a multiplex outlet
- Vertical jet for facade screening and – where required – broadly spread air jet inclined to room for individual workplace ventilation
- No tangential air patterns causing thermal discomfort
- Ideal for replacing simple supply air grilles in window parapets to improve indoor air flow